Abstract submission



Use the conference registration system (button above) to submit your abstract.

  • Create a new account by clicking on “Create new account”.
  • After logging in, click on “Send new abstract” to submit an abstract.

Dates & Deadlines

  • Abstract submission deadline: 7th July 2024
  • Late-breaking abstract submission deadline: 15th September 2024
  • When submitting a late-breaking abstract, please, also contact and send the abstract to the organizers: ludmila.boublikova@ftn.cz, kristian.almstrup@regionh.dk

Presentation forms:

Oral presentation


  • preferred size and layout: A0 (height 1189 mm × width 841 mm), portrait layout
  • A1– sized posters (portrait or landscape layout) will also fit the poster boards

    Guidelines for creating an abstract

  • The abstract can be sent in MS Word Document (*.docx) or Rich Text File (*.rtf). The maximum file size is 5 MB.
  • The file name must contain the author's surname without diacritics and without spaces.
  • The abstract can contain 1 image (maximum width 12 cm, in shades of gray).

Download template

Document settings:

Page size: A5
Margins: 1 cm on each side
Indentation: simple
Indents and spaces: 0 b (before and after)
Font: Calibri
Font size: 10 b

Styles and formatting:

Write the title of the abstract in bold Abstract name
[free line]
Write the name of the author and other co-authors in this form:J. Smith, P. Green, .. 

[free line]
Write the name of the institution, city and state in italics in this form: Institution, City, State
In the case of different institutions, mark the names of authors/co-authors and the institution with a number in the superscript (after the name, before the institution).
[free line]
Block-aligned abstract text [minimum 300, maximum 2000 characters]