
Use the conference registration system (button above) to make the registration and pay the registration fee.

  • Create a new account by clicking on “Create new account”.
  • After logging in, click on “+ New registration” to register for the conference and make the payment of the registration fee or “Send new abstract” to submit an abstract.

The registration fee can be paid online by credit card or by a bank transfer to the bank account of the Congress Secretariat. You will receive a payment request with the bank details after the registration.

Cancellations and refund

The Conference secretariat must be notified by e-mail at in the event of the cancellation of the registration.

Cancellation received

  • before July 31, 2024: full refund of the registration fee, a handling fee of 150 CZK will be deducted
  • from August 1 to September 30, 2024: 50 % of the registration fee
  • from October 1, 2024: no refund

Registration fees

Early bird
registration & payment
(by June 30, 2024)
Standard / On-site
(from July 1, 2024)
Regular Fee 8.500 CZK (approx. 355 EUR) 10.000 CZK (approx. 420 EUR)
Reduced fee for students 5.000 CZK (approx. 210 EUR) 7.000 CZK (approx. 295 EUR)

Registration fees include 21% VAT. Amounts in EUR in brackets are for information only. Please pay in CZK.

Workshop registration includes

  • Admission to all scientific sessions
  • Congress bag and documentation
  • Electronic Book of abstracts
  • Coffee breaks and lunches
  • Welcome drink on Wednesday evening
  • Social event on Thursday evening